For fifteen years, Mary Ganpatsingh has provided a high quality independent speech and language therapy service for survivors of brain injury. Mary is client centred and works with each person to identify aims for therapy that make a real difference in each individual’s everyday life. This involves re-establishing communication for the client's roles in family and friendship groups, social, community and vocational settings and might include therapy to support dating, relationships with close family members, accessing community activities, work placements and house hunting. Therapy can be offered in the client's home, a neutral venue, in the community or using telehealth, all following current government covid safe guidelines.
Since 2009, Mary has developed strong relationships with case managers, neuro rehabilitation therapists across allied health professions and legal teams who are involved in the rehabilitation and medico-legal cases following traumatic brain injury. She enjoys working closely with other team members.
Mary always provides training and communication guidelines for support workers, using a variety of methods so that skilled support can be provided for clients by their own support workers. Where possible, this training is also provided to key conversation partners in the community through training and guidelines tailored to the particular settings.
Since 2009, Mary has developed strong relationships with case managers, neuro rehabilitation therapists across allied health professions and legal teams who are involved in the rehabilitation and medico-legal cases following traumatic brain injury. She enjoys working closely with other team members.
Mary always provides training and communication guidelines for support workers, using a variety of methods so that skilled support can be provided for clients by their own support workers. Where possible, this training is also provided to key conversation partners in the community through training and guidelines tailored to the particular settings.